Saturday, September 30, 2006

FACT : L. Ron Hubbard was a SCIENCE FICTION writer.

FACT : He said "the quickest way to make money, is to create a religion.

FACT : Anybody that believes in scientology is a COMPLETE MORON. Period.

If you don't know what scientology is, email me and I will send you links to video and text explaing all about "Xenu" (this "religions" alien leader, Yes I said ALIEN, as in little green men)...I do not have the time or space on here to tell everything that is wrong with this "religion".

If I hear one more 40-something, SUV-driving, soccer-mom say Oprah should run for president, I swear to christ, I'm going to kick them in the face!
Just because someone is a good actor(Schwarzenneger, I am NOT implying he is a good actor), football coach (Osborne, senator NE) or whatever the hell it is oprah does DOES NOT MEAN THEY WOULD MAKE A GOOD POLITICIAN!
Saying acting/hosting a tv show is a good background for being president, would be like letting your butcher perform surgery on you, because, hey "he can cut meat..." Dee Da Dee
What scares me most is people keep voting for them! Double Ewe Tee Eff! (WTF).

I'm sure Oprah/Arnold/Tom (who has done absolutely NOTHING for Nebraska yet as a senator for 3 years. Except help stop legalize gambling, which would bring in tens of millions to this state every year which has a 2 million dollar deficit....because of the "crime" it would bring, but statistics show this is NOT true, and the money is going to Council Bluffs Iowa, 2 miles from Omaha, but hey what do I know, I wasn't head football coach at the University of Nebraska....) Anyways, I'm sure they are all lovely people, but do you really think Oprah's touchy feely ass is going to invade a country? Or be taken seriously at a UN meeting? PFFT!

So everybody, when you're out and about and hear someone with the IQ of an earthworm, say "Insert actor/comedian/reverend (i.e. Jesse Jackson) should run for president/congress/senate", Do us ALL a favor, run up behind them and give them a good 'ol fashioned redneck sucker punch to the spleen!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Ohhhhh I'm so excited!

A friend of Sam's from work whose husband sheers sheep is giving us a whole lamb! (already processed of course).....I cannot wait! @$20/pound I rarely get to eat it, let alone the whole thing. *drool* Now I need a cucumber sauce recipe so I can have gyros mmmmmm gyros

Thursday, September 28, 2006

No Mess Ziploc Omelette!
Nothing to clean, just use a paper plate (styrofoam)

You'll need :
1 Quart Ziploc bag
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of cheese (or more if you wish)
anything else you want in it (ham, onion, tomato, peppers etc.)

crack the eggs in the 1 qt. ziploc bag, seal it and scramble them.
add all the extras, shake it all up.
Get ALL the air out of the bag! ***

Place the bag in boiling water for 13 minutes.

Take the bag out, roll the perfect omelette onto your plate and eat!
mmmm good.

make a bunch up the night before and just pop them in the water in the morning.

***update: I don't know about microwaving the raw stuff, but you can cook like 8-10 in a big pot one day, freeze them, and then microwave when ready to eat :)

Monday, September 25, 2006

If you clicked a link from my mother's page to get here, then I am sure you are as appalled as I am at this grossly distorted description of me! I am going to start a petition to have "number two son" changed to "second born" or at the very least "youngest".

Forget the fact that it implies inferiority, but the "number two" conjurs up visions that we don't want to go into.....I know I talk a lot of shit, but come now..... :)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Finally can see again
After the flash...
Concentrating on something...
Almost there!
Taking a nap after work.

Trying to raspberry!