Saturday, September 30, 2006

FACT : L. Ron Hubbard was a SCIENCE FICTION writer.

FACT : He said "the quickest way to make money, is to create a religion.

FACT : Anybody that believes in scientology is a COMPLETE MORON. Period.

If you don't know what scientology is, email me and I will send you links to video and text explaing all about "Xenu" (this "religions" alien leader, Yes I said ALIEN, as in little green men)...I do not have the time or space on here to tell everything that is wrong with this "religion".


Blogger Lei Lei said...

Tell it like it is brother!! I dont like Tom Cruise since he started all that crap about scientology and making his innocent wife believe in it whether she wants to or not. He is a complete moron if I've ever known one.

11:50 AM


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