Saturday, September 30, 2006

If I hear one more 40-something, SUV-driving, soccer-mom say Oprah should run for president, I swear to christ, I'm going to kick them in the face!
Just because someone is a good actor(Schwarzenneger, I am NOT implying he is a good actor), football coach (Osborne, senator NE) or whatever the hell it is oprah does DOES NOT MEAN THEY WOULD MAKE A GOOD POLITICIAN!
Saying acting/hosting a tv show is a good background for being president, would be like letting your butcher perform surgery on you, because, hey "he can cut meat..." Dee Da Dee
What scares me most is people keep voting for them! Double Ewe Tee Eff! (WTF).

I'm sure Oprah/Arnold/Tom (who has done absolutely NOTHING for Nebraska yet as a senator for 3 years. Except help stop legalize gambling, which would bring in tens of millions to this state every year which has a 2 million dollar deficit....because of the "crime" it would bring, but statistics show this is NOT true, and the money is going to Council Bluffs Iowa, 2 miles from Omaha, but hey what do I know, I wasn't head football coach at the University of Nebraska....) Anyways, I'm sure they are all lovely people, but do you really think Oprah's touchy feely ass is going to invade a country? Or be taken seriously at a UN meeting? PFFT!

So everybody, when you're out and about and hear someone with the IQ of an earthworm, say "Insert actor/comedian/reverend (i.e. Jesse Jackson) should run for president/congress/senate", Do us ALL a favor, run up behind them and give them a good 'ol fashioned redneck sucker punch to the spleen!


Blogger Michelle Auer said...

All valid points, but really, a monkey could probably do a better job than the monkey we have in office right now. So if a monkey is doing it, I think an actor can't do it any worse.

I personally would like to Hillary as the next president, or even have Bill back. I miss Bill. :(

PS- I voted for Kerry.

2:07 PM


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