Monday, September 25, 2006

If you clicked a link from my mother's page to get here, then I am sure you are as appalled as I am at this grossly distorted description of me! I am going to start a petition to have "number two son" changed to "second born" or at the very least "youngest".

Forget the fact that it implies inferiority, but the "number two" conjurs up visions that we don't want to go into.....I know I talk a lot of shit, but come now..... :)


Blogger Lei Lei said...

Funny Chris. You're a little shit, but not a number you

4:11 PM

Blogger Melodie said...

Ok, ok ! I changed it! You're a smart little shit!

4:35 PM

Blogger Michelle Auer said...

Hahaha! I love the fact that you and the "first born" both have baby photos up. Hooray! Lots of little baby 2nd cousins. I'm a sucker for baby photos.

11:49 PM


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